【用最輕鬆的方式學英文,每天花費幾分鐘來進行測驗,透過 AI 的建議逐步加強您的英文能力】
1. 常常不知如何表達,或只會重複使用簡單詞彙
- Teacher: Hi there! Welcome to the class. How was your day today?
- Student: Uh… good.
- Teacher: That’s great! So, what’s your favorite food? Let’s talk about it.
- Student: I like apple.
- Teacher: Oh, I see! Why do you like apples?
- Student: Uh… Because tasty.
2. 即使語法錯誤,對話仍然繼續進行,卻不清楚哪裡需要改進
- Teacher: Hi! Did you do anything fun last weekend?
- Student: Yes, I go to shopping mall.
- Teacher: Oh, that sounds fun! What did you buy?
- Student: I buy a new shoes and some clothes.
- Teacher: Nice! Do you like the shoes?
- Student: Yes, I very like it.
3. 總是在說重複的句子,覺得一直在原地踏步,無法進一步拓展表達能力
(Class 1)
- Teacher: What do you like to do in your free time?
- Student: I like to watch movies.
- Teacher: Oh, cool! What kind of movies do you like?
- Student: I like action movies. They are fun.
(Class 2)
- Teacher: Have you traveled anywhere recently?
- Student: Yes, I went to Japan.
- Teacher: That’s amazing! What did you do there?
- Student: I watched a movie. It was fun.
(Class 3)
- Teacher: What do you usually do after school?
- Student: I watch movies.
- Teacher: Sounds interesting! What else do you like to do?
- Student: I like action movies. They are fun.
如果您有這些困擾,不妨試試這個 App,讓您的學習效果翻倍!
App 會針對日常生活、工作情境等,或是您自訂的主題,來自動生成題目,在您答題後 AI 將立即修訂您的回答。
您可以透過比對您的回答和 AI 的修訂之間的差異,來找出自己需要改進的地方。
除了修訂您的句子,AI 也會提供更加自然及貼近母語人士的版本,幫助您提升表達的多樣性和複雜度。